Friday, March 27, 2015

"Eternal Denizens" an image by D. "Bodhi" Smith

Image entitled, "Eternal Denizens"...Since, I am headed off halfway around the globe to the south island of New Zealand tonight for the next 10 days (Woo-Hoo!), and in Dunedin, NZ there is a pier formation similar to this, and one of which I hope to capture an impression this upcoming Sunday or Monday evening...

As a result of this trip, It might be a bit before I release any photos here on FB...So in the meantime, I thought I would re-post this photo here along with the one both images are amazingly similar two compositions I will be seeking in South New Zealand over the next week and a half.

Btw, this is an image I captured in Naples, Florida back in August of is one of my own personal favorite images (to me, a classic representation of my style) and appears on the back of many of my business cards

Camera settings: ISO-100, 16mm at f/8 for 180 seconds using 15 stops of ND filters (Lee Proglass Filters - 3.0ND filter a.k.a.Lee Big Stopper, .9ND, and .6ND) to bring down the bright light facing directly into the sun (albeit overcast) since this image was captured about 1.5 hours before sunset - I also used one Lee .75ND Graduated Filter (resin) to bring down the brighter sky 2.5 stops to better balance it with the blue waters and pylons.

I hope this message and image finds you well.

D. " Bodhi "

‪#LeeFilters‬ ‪#Dolica #Tripods‬ #LeeFilters ‪#Nikon‬ ‪#D800‬ ‪#Nikkor‬ #Bodhi #Smith‬ ‪#LongExposure‬ ‪#expressionist‬ ‪‪#Surreal‬ ‪#Impressionist #Naples ‪#Florida‬ ‪#Gulf #Coast #Pier #Ruins #Sunset

"Idiosyncre Sea" an image by D. "Bodhi" Smith

The image is named "Idiosyncre Sea"... and just a heads up: I am off to the south island of New Zealand tonight for the next 10 days! This is an exciting trip for me, and I am very hopeful to bring back some stellar impressions from the other side of the world. So, it will be a while before I am able to release any new images (unless while I am there I manage to edit something special)...

In the meantime, I though I would re-post this photo image which is actually composed of a very rare sea formation whose only other match is located in South New Zealand (Moeraki Boulders)--and that is a scene I truly hope to capture and have both of these locations represented in my library of images.

The image is named "Idiosyncre Sea" and was taken at the end of December in 2013 during a trip up the Northern California and Oregon coastlines. This place is south of Mendocino on the N.Cali coast in a location known as Schooner Bay--it has the nickname of "Bowling Ball Beach" to photogs and travelers alike. It is a must see for anyone who is driving the US101 from Point Reyes to Fort Bragg (or vise-versa).

Camera Settings: ISO-100, 18mm at f/8 for 260 seconds (4 mins, 20 secs) using 15 stops of Lee ND Proglass filters (3.0ND, .9ND, .6ND) and one Lee resin .75ND Soft Grad filter to brings down the sky an additional 2.5 stops over the rest of the composition.This image was captured at mid-tide shortly before sunset as a wedge-shaped cloud formed over the beach to the south.

I hope this image and composition find you well.


#California #Coast #Seascape #Pacific #Ocean #BowlingBallBeach #Reef #Schooner #Bay #Mendocino #Sunset #Surreal #Impressionist #Expressionist #LongExposure #LE #Landscape #Bodhi #Smith #Nikon #Nikkor #D800 #Dolica #Tripods #LeeFilters #Lee #BigStopper #ND #Filter

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Murmur of a Sigh" newest release from Bodhi Smith

Entitled, "Murmur of a Sigh," this is my newest release from my Easter Island (La Isla de Pascua or Rapa Nui) series of compositions. 

I captured this composition during my recent trip to the island a few months ago at the end of December and beginning of January. As it turns out, this was my last picture taken in the calendar year of 2014. Looking back, this is really a mighty nice image to cap off what was truly a very, very good year for me. 

For this image, I again traveled from the town of Hanga Roa where we were staying across the island to the Tongariki Ahu (ceremonial platform) to try to capture these magnificent moai (statues) under the stars, and then stick around to be hopeful of a stellar sunrise. I got the former, but not the latter on this morning. But the things I got to see, memories to behold which no camera could bring justice to, emblazoned images found only in the recesses of my brain, sights to behold for my eyes only on that morning...this all just left me longing for the moment in this picture with a big sigh (and hence the image's title). 

This composition is really a segue image between a full blow starry sky and a morning sky with a glowing sun. In this image you see the longest rays of the sun starting to awaken the sky and wispy clouds, but you still can catch a fleeting glimpse of the brilliant stars of the southern hemisphere before they go to sleep for the day. It is a departure from my ultra long exposures into the world of just a few seconds of exposure, but is still retains my dreamy style...the impression I am trying to give is of elegance that routinely wakes up every morning like clockwork; its excruciating exquisiteness repeated, over and over, day after day, year after year, and all the same while being unbeknownst to itself; the beauty goes to sleep at the end of the day to rise and shine and repeat it all over again, never knowing how discerningly lovely it really is...<sigh>

I can only hope that you enjoy this image a fraction of the amount I enjoyed being there to witness and capture this image...

Camera Settings: ISO-1250, 24mm at f/1.4 for 4 seconds at 5:30am this past New Year's Eve at about one hour before sunrise. 

I hope this message and image find you well.

D. "Bodhi"

‪#‎LeeFilters‬ ‪#‎Dolica‬ #Tripods ‪#‎Nikon‬ ‪#‎D800‬ ‪#‎Nikkor‬ #24mm ‪#‎BodhiSmith‬ ‪#‎LongExposure‬ ‪#‎expressionist‬ ‪#‎Impressionist‬ ‪#‎Surreal‬ ‪#‎EasterIsland‬ ‪#‎SouthPacific‬ ‪#‎Ocean‬ ‪#‎Nightscape‬ ‪#‎Stars #Moai #Tongariki #‬RapaNui #Isla #Pascua